Tag: Microsoft

The latest news and updates on secure VoIP communications.

In the ever-evolving landscape of business communication, the quest for seamless and efficient solutions has been a driving force behind the evolution of various platforms. From the early days of traditional telephone systems to the rise of email and instant messaging, businesses have continually sought tools that facilitate effective communication and collaboration. However, the demands of the modern workplace have propelled the adoption of unified communication solutions to the forefront, where Microsoft Teams has emerged as a standout player.

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Microsoft Teams is one of the more superior video conferencing platforms available. It offers team-based communication via instant messaging, audio calls, and video conferencing. Its user-friendly design and plethora of additional features enables individuals to communicate more efficiently—which translates to improved productivity. Ultimately, Microsoft Teams is focused on boosting collaboration while reducing clutter in the workspace. However, with such a large quantity of both simple and advanced features, unless you’re a veteran with Microsoft Teams, it is likely that some may go unnoticed. Thus, we will go over the primary features, along with some of the lesser-known features, to highlight what Microsoft Teams has to offer.

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Although many businesses and organizations have returned to their original in-person practices the frontier has still been expanded for the capability of individuals to undertake work outside of the confinements of the office. This is more prevalent than is commonly thought. It is beneficial for businesses and organizations to fully realize the opportunities which arise from enabling employees to work remotely which includes moving to Microsoft Teams.Read More…

Building your business, especially in the financial and accounting worlds, can be challenging when it comes  to balancing the costs of technical and administrative needs while growing your team of accountants, advisors and client-facing staff. Read More…
At this year’s Annual ECNO (the Educational Computing Network of Ontario) Conference, Telecom Metric Inc (TMI)’s Loan Duong took the time to speak about the strengths, challenges, and opportunities facing education-based organizations as the demand for higher-quality, lower-cost solutions increases. Read More…