Tag: Data Residency

The latest news and updates on secure VoIP communications.

In today’s interconnected world, where remote work and digital collaboration are the norm, guaranteeing telephony system security and compliance has gone to the top of the organizational priority list. As businesses increasingly rely on distant communication platforms such as Microsoft Teams to facilitate collaboration, the need to have strong security measures cannot be stressed. Microsoft Teams Direct Routing is an amazing telephone solution that smoothly integrates with Microsoft Teams’ collaborative capabilities while focusing on security and compliance. Throughout this blog, we will delve into the critical importance of security and compliance in telephony, examine the advanced features of Microsoft Teams Direct Routing designed to enhance security, address compliance considerations, and provide actionable best practices to establish and maintain a secure telephony environment. Read More…

Although many businesses and organizations have returned to their original in-person practices the frontier has still been expanded for the capability of individuals to undertake work outside of the confinements of the office. This is more prevalent than is commonly thought. It is beneficial for businesses and organizations to fully realize the opportunities which arise from enabling employees to work remotely which includes moving to Microsoft Teams.Read More…

As the owner or manager of a Canadian-based business, it can often be challenging to understand and determine the best policies and processes for your business, especially with the vast and varying array of information regarding best practices and industry standards coming from international publishers. Read More…
Building your business, especially in the financial and accounting worlds, can be challenging when it comes  to balancing the costs of technical and administrative needs while growing your team of accountants, advisors and client-facing staff. Read More…
The Microsoft Teams application is being embraced as the go-to phone system for many businesses because it’s already incorporated into their services and provides an excellent, all-in-one solution for business operations in the cloud. That, and it’s features to unify different types of communications all in one like video conferencing, chat, file sharing, and now a business’ voice telephone system. Read More…